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New Continuity App - Puts the plans you have in the hands that need them.

I know many may not believe Business Continuity is that thrilling, but I have to admit to being a little excited at the moment so you many need to excuse my exuberance a little in this blog.

“Why so excited?” I hear you cry? Good question and the reason for my excitement is that the Agenci has launched its very first App!

Yes that’s right – the Agenci now has an App specifically for the Business Continuity market!

“Very exciting. But there are lots of tools out there already!”

Not like this.

Yes there are Business Continuity planning tools aplenty; Some complex, some very simple but the simple ones don’t do enough and the complex ones do too much! You need a team of 20 just to manage the data flows and then have to train your business on how to use the software. All this can take months before you even get to the point of creating a plan!

Keeping it Simple – Keeping it Real.

To be honest, I have always had a problem with BCM software for the reasons stated above and because they don’t give me what I need, which is to answer one fundamental question;

“How can I guarantee that the Crisis Management Team have the information they need when something goes wrong?”

All the tools I have seen suffer from the problems I mentioned and then fail at this last point.  All I need is a way to ensure plans can be easily updated, distributed and be available when needed.

Continuity 24×7 App does just that

The App we have created is NOT a planning tool.  There are plenty of software packages that do that, but my personal view is that BCM is a people problem and requires expertise to implement.  Software shouldn’t get in the way of good planning.

This tool allows you to use the tools you’ve been using for years (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc) but provides an elegant solution to the age old, BC problem which is how we ensure the plans are in the hands of the person who needs them WHEN they need them?

No more printing and distributing of plans to the Board.  No more creating ‘wallet cards’ in the hope they have their cards or plans when they need them.

Simply update your plan. Place it on a server and allow the App to update on a pre-set frequency and you’re done.  There’s even a ‘Lite’ version for the SME market.

“Sounds good. But is it expensive?”

No.  As I’ve said you can buy a ‘Lite’ version for just £2.99 with the corporate version available upon request.

The tool also allows you to quickly contact your Incident Management Team and perform a ‘roll-call’ to see who else is aware of the incident.  Command and Control is of course important but we feel the key strength of this tool is in its simplicity in distribution of your plans to those who need it.

 “Anything else?”

Of course not only does it deliver the plans to your handheld devices but it also has a training module which allows your travelling executives to receive updates on training (for example on compliance matters or Information Security) . It’s all in this one App.

“What next?”

Well of course there are other tools we have in mind but to be honest we won’t build something for the sake of it.  We want to answer real problems faced by Information Security or BCM practitioners.  The Continuity 24×7 App does this for the BCM professional and we know that this will help.

Take a look at the App here and let me know what you think.×7/id660379731?mt=8

I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts.


Written by Chris Jordan — July 18, 2013

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