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NSA Security – Why the surprise?

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As a self-confessed ‘Security Geek’ and “Professional Paranoid”, I’ve been watching the recent scandal related to Internet privacy with an equal measure of annoyance, curiosity and amusement.  Now I’m pretty sure there is more to come from the story which has highlighted the fact that the USA’s National Security Agency (NSA) has a significant surveillance programme going on – but why has this come as a surprise to anyone?

NSA Prism Security

Firstly, if you’ve missed the story then here it is in a nut-shell… The NSA has a surveillance program in place called ‘Prism’ which (allegedly) allows it to monitor emails, internet ‘chatter’ on Skype, AOL, YouTube, FaceBook and Twitter and allowing it to collect data directly from these servers and other technology companies.

Having seen this story played out I am amused by the response by the NEWS media and the general public who seem to go from one of incredulous outrage to apathetic shoulder-shrugging.  It seems no one is quite sure how to react to the news that America has the ability to monitor what’s going on in Cyberspace.

If you ‘fear’ the established Government (for whatever reason) then you are likely to be shocked and alarmed at this news.  If you are involved in any political groups with a political agenda then you could be concerned about what the Government is monitoring and how they might use it in the future (against you personally or the group you are involved in). Obviously if you are involved in any criminal activity then you will clearly be worried about this news. However, if all you ever do is use FaceBook or Twitter to post funny pictures of ‘Cats’ then you’re less likely to care that they are monitoring your activity.

Security is not to be laughed at! (well… maybe it is)

My amusement is based on the fact that people seem genuinely surprised that this capability exists and that they believe their communications are private.  Let me be blunt; In terms of online activity – Your privacy has GONE. If you believe you are doing something privately (online) then principally you are wrong.  The definition of ‘Privacy’ is “the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.”  Yet what people neglect to consider is that the moment you put finger to keyboard, you become a publisher.  Once you hit ‘send’ on a keyboard you no longer have control over what happens next.  You may believe that what you are saying is private but it is still communication between two (or more) individuals, is stored somewhere and therefore can easily be observed by a wider group.

The subject of privacy and the rights to privacy will always be a debatable topic which is why the news coverage has fluctuated between disbelief and anger to acceptance and apathy.

But it seems to me that people give away their privacy so easily anyway so what’s the big deal?  People on FaceBook, Twitter, Tumblr and the countless other sites have made people complacent about their private information, without any regard for who might be able to see what they’re posting.  Ask the average user of these sites how to set up their security permissions and they’ll give you a blank vacant stare.

And I would challenge anyone using a computer for personal or professional reasons to honestly say they do EVERYTHING in their power to protect themselves online anyway.  Sounds like a bold statement? Not really.  Let me ask you one question which will illustrate how easily you give up your right to privacy…

When asked the following question, how honestly can you say “YES! I have done this”

“I have Read and Accepted the Terms & Conditions”.

When signing up to a new service or installing new software how many times have you been asked the above question and answered ‘Accept’ without reading the terms of use? You may have been told that your communications will be made public, that you will be monitored, that someone can come to your house and use your lawnmower without asking and all because you ‘Accepted’ the terms and conditions without checking.

Monitoring the internet and those who use it is here to stay.  Get used to it.  Your [online] privacy has gone. Mourn the passing of the day and move on.  The irony is that if you are involved in anything REALLY bad you will have the tools and technology to bypass these attempts and you’ll most likely be operating in the Deep Web anyway. I doubt you’ll have a FaceBook page where you ask people to ‘Like’ your latest brand of terror or illicit wrong-doings. If you do then the Prism is the least of your worries.

What can I do?!

All of this said, there are ways you can protect yourself online and ensure your security is maintained.  Privacy maybe a thing of the past but that doesn’t mean you can’t be safe and secure on the Internet.  It simply means that you have to be proactive and realistic about what is possible.

I started out by saying I am a Professional Paranoid and that is a tag I’m happy to carry. Being Paranoid is no bad thing but it’s also about being realistic about these large companies (who hold our data) and the Governments who ultimately have control over them.

Privacy has gone.  Security is here to stay.  You should lament the former and work towards the latter.

If you would like to speak to Gary Hibberd to receive advice on Online Privacy then please click here


Written by Chris Jordan — July 18, 2013

Continuity 24×7 – Better than Angry Birds!

New Continuity App - Puts the plans you have in the hands that need them.

I know many may not believe Business Continuity is that thrilling, but I have to admit to being a little excited at the moment so you many need to excuse my exuberance a little in this blog.

“Why so excited?” I hear you cry? Good question and the reason for my excitement is that the Agenci has launched its very first App!

Yes that’s right – the Agenci now has an App specifically for the Business Continuity market!

“Very exciting. But there are lots of tools out there already!”

Not like this.

Yes there are Business Continuity planning tools aplenty; Some complex, some very simple but the simple ones don’t do enough and the complex ones do too much! You need a team of 20 just to manage the data flows and then have to train your business on how to use the software. All this can take months before you even get to the point of creating a plan!

Keeping it Simple – Keeping it Real.

To be honest, I have always had a problem with BCM software for the reasons stated above and because they don’t give me what I need, which is to answer one fundamental question;

“How can I guarantee that the Crisis Management Team have the information they need when something goes wrong?”

All the tools I have seen suffer from the problems I mentioned and then fail at this last point.  All I need is a way to ensure plans can be easily updated, distributed and be available when needed.

Continuity 24×7 App does just that

The App we have created is NOT a planning tool.  There are plenty of software packages that do that, but my personal view is that BCM is a people problem and requires expertise to implement.  Software shouldn’t get in the way of good planning.

This tool allows you to use the tools you’ve been using for years (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc) but provides an elegant solution to the age old, BC problem which is how we ensure the plans are in the hands of the person who needs them WHEN they need them?

No more printing and distributing of plans to the Board.  No more creating ‘wallet cards’ in the hope they have their cards or plans when they need them.

Simply update your plan. Place it on a server and allow the App to update on a pre-set frequency and you’re done.  There’s even a ‘Lite’ version for the SME market.

“Sounds good. But is it expensive?”

No.  As I’ve said you can buy a ‘Lite’ version for just £2.99 with the corporate version available upon request.

The tool also allows you to quickly contact your Incident Management Team and perform a ‘roll-call’ to see who else is aware of the incident.  Command and Control is of course important but we feel the key strength of this tool is in its simplicity in distribution of your plans to those who need it.

 “Anything else?”

Of course not only does it deliver the plans to your handheld devices but it also has a training module which allows your travelling executives to receive updates on training (for example on compliance matters or Information Security) . It’s all in this one App.

“What next?”

Well of course there are other tools we have in mind but to be honest we won’t build something for the sake of it.  We want to answer real problems faced by Information Security or BCM practitioners.  The Continuity 24×7 App does this for the BCM professional and we know that this will help.

Take a look at the App here and let me know what you think.×7/id660379731?mt=8

I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts.


Written by Chris Jordan — July 18, 2013

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